Blue Bells International Model United Nations 2023 BBIS MUN 2023

Blue Bells International Model United Nations 2023 (BBIS MUN 2023)

Venue: Blue Bells Model School, Sector-4, Gurugram, Delhi NCR, India

Date: 14th & 15th October, 2023

Organizer: Blue Bells Model School

Learn more about Blue Bells International Model United Nations 2023 (BBIS MUN 2023)!

"Esteemed Delegates, With utmost delight, we extend our cordial invitation to students, to partake in the distinguished Blue Bells International Model United Nations 2023. The Conference is scheduled on October 14 & 15, 2023. Embrace the true essence of diplomacy, engage in enlightening discussions, and collectively shape a future of harmony and progress. Join us on this transformative odyssey, where the brilliance of your ideas and insights will pave the way for understanding and impactful change. Anticipating your esteemed presence at this momentous occasion. Eligibility Criterion : Grade 7 to 1st Year College Students At BBIMUN'23 we will have the following committees - 1) United Nations General Assembly II Economic and Financial Committee (UNGA ECOFIN)

2) United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

3) United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

4) United Nations Women (UNW)

5) World Trade Organization (WTO)

6) Conference of Parties of United Nations Climate Change Summit (COP28)

7) International Court of Justice (ICJ)

8) Research & Analysis Wing (R&AW)

9) Group of 20 (G20) [Double Delegation]

10) Lok Sabha

11) Stakeholder's Meet (An Exclusive Committee for Government School Students)

12) International Press Corps (IPC)



-Photography Link to Brochure: While filling the portfolio preferences, kindly refer to the Committee Matrices given in the following link - IF REGISTERING FOR G20 or ICJ, PLEASE MAIL US THE NAME(S) & CONTACT DETAILS OF YOUR CO-DELEGATE(S) ON THE GIVEN EMAIL ID. In case of any doubt, reach us at


You may contact our team

+91 9899388840 (Krisha Gupta, Secretary General)

+91 9818012033 (Armaan Sareen, Deputy Secretary General) Find us on- Facebook:
