Helping Teenagers find Opportunities easily

Competitions, MUNs & Fellowships are plentiful, yet difficult to discover.

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Find Opportunities & gain Real-World experience

Gain a Competitive CV by participating in University-Level Competitions, and building your Profile

Admissions to Universities, and even to get a Job is extremely Competitive. Students need a Competitive CV to out-compete the others to gain Admission, or an Employer's Attention.

Learn by doing, competing, and out-classing others 🔥

Learn through Opportunities, refine your Skills, and Network with People, all at the same time!

Win Amazing Prizes 🚀🚀

Win Scholarships, Cash Prizes, Gifts, Certificates and so much more by participating in Free Opportunities like Competitions, MUNs, Internships, Fellowships, etc!

Access the Largest Network of Talented Teens in the World

MUNs, Competitions, Fellowships. We're here to help you find Interested Teenagers to take part in your Opportunities
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Opportunity Listing

Post opportunities, and find teenagers to participate in the competitions

For free* you can post Opportunities, and find Students to Register & Compete in your Competitions, MUNs, Fellowships, etc!
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See detailed statistics on how many people view your posts, and compare with similar competitions' posts posted on our website to improve the post for more customers

Simple & Affordable Pricing

We charge a flat fee per opportunity post, and the option to promote your listing for a premium


Opportunity Listing

A single post for an opportunity with NO ENTRY FEE

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Unlimited Opportunity Listings

Starting from ₹3000

Premium Listing

A Premium Listing to meet your Opportunity Listing & Promotion needs.

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Unlimited Premium Opportunity Listings at ₹3000 per listing
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Promotion for your Listing to over 15,000 Visitors per day
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Listing shared, and promoted on Instagram, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp

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A Customized Solution for Large-Scale Opportunity Listing

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Unlimited Enterprise Plan Listings
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Promotion for your Listing to over 15,000 Visitors per day
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Listing shared on Instagram, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp

Participate in Opportunities ASAP!

Find your Dream Opportunities; Competitions, MUNs, Fellowships, Internships, etc today!
