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We Help Students Discover Extracurricular Opportunities

We're on the mission to democratize access to Extracurricular Opportunities for Students such as Competitions, Model United Nations Conferences, Internships, Hackathons, Quizzes, and so much more!

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event at dublieu
event at dublieu
event at dublieu

200+ Institutions Love Us!

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5-star reviews

Discover Extracurricular Opportunities

Explore Extracurricular Opportunities for Students such as Competitions, Internships, MUN Conferences, Hackathons, Quizzes, Workshops, and much more.



Discover, and participate in International, and National Competitions for Students.

mun conferences

MUN Conferences

Discover, and participate in Model United Nations Conferences all across India.



Discover, and join Internships to build your work experience, and resume.


Students across India Impacted by Dublieu

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Thank you, Dublieu!

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Love from Jaipur.

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I'm so Grateful for Dublieu.

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Dublieu has been so helpful; I wouldn’t be where I am without it.

user of dublieu

You’ve made such a positive impact on my life. Thank you, Dublieu!

user of dublieu

Dublieu is a game-changer for students like me – so thankful!

user of dublieu

I can’t thank Dublieu enough for the amazing opportunities it brought my way.

user of dublieu

Dublieu has been instrumental in helping me upskill and grow.

user of dublieu

Thank you, Dublieu, for helping me win my first MUN Conference!

user of dublieu

Dublieu has made a world of difference in my journey.

user of dublieu

Thank you, Dublieu, for being the stepping stone to my success.

user of dublieu

I found my passion thanks to the opportunities Dublieu brought me.

user of dublieu

Dublieu helped me discover my potential – forever grateful!

user of dublieu

Life before Dublieu was a maze; now it feels like a clear path forward.

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You’ve empowered me to achieve more than I ever thought possible.

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Love all the way from Sikkim.

user of dublieu

Proud to be a part of the Dublieu Family

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I'm so Grateful for Dublieu.

user of dublieu

Thanks Dublieu!

user of dublieu

Thank you, Dublieu, for this journey.

user of dublieu

Dublieu helped me soar!

user of dublieu

I can’t thank Dublieu enough for the amazing opportunities it brought my way.

user of dublieu

Dublieu has been instrumental in helping me upskill and grow.

user of dublieu

So thankful for Dublieu’s guidance and support!

user of dublieu

Danke, W!

user of dublieu

Dublieu gave me the confidence to reach new heights.

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Dublieu rocks! – Chennai

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Dublieu, my guide! – Chandigarh

user of dublieu

Thank you for everything, Dublieu!

user of dublieu

Grateful to you.

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event at dublieu
event at dublieu
event at dublieu

Achievements & Growth

Highlighting our milestones that shaped our crazy journey of democratizing access to Extracurricular Opportunities for Students in India.

Website Impressions

Over 2 million impressions showcasing our growing impact.

Students signed-up

Join 100,000+ students already signed-up on our website.


Over 1000+ Opportunities for Students ranging from Competitions, MUNs, and much more.

Team Size

Powered by a team of 150+ passionate teenagers from across India part of our movement.

Educators & Parents love us

quotation marks

"An excerpt from an encouragement message provided by Her Excellency Kiran Bedi for our venture:

'Friends, wish you well and we are on the eve of the new year, wish you a very, very happy new year. Keep up the good work.'"

Doctor Nisha Sharma GBN Faridabad
Dr. Kiran Bedi

India's First Woman IPS Officer

We're proud to announce that Dr. S. Jaishankar inaugurated a Dublieu-partnered Conference.

Doctor Nisha Sharma GBN Faridabad
Dr. S. Jaishankar

Minister of External Affairs of India

We're proud to announce that Mrs. Smriti Zubin Irani inaugurated a Dublieu-partnered Conference.

Doctor Nisha Sharma GBN Faridabad
Mrs. Smriti Zubin Irani

Former Minister of Education of India

quotation marks

"An excerpt from an email by Mr. Pranay Chouhan:

'It’s good to see young students like you coming up and starting their ventures. Best of luck, Vedant.'"

Doctor Nisha Sharma GBN Faridabad
Mr. Pranay Chouhan

Co-founder, Padhle

quotation marks

"An excerpt from a Letter of Recommendation provided by Dr. Nisha Sharma:

'As Principal of GBN School, I had the distinct pleasure of collaborating with Dublieu, and I can unequivocally affirm that their invaluable contribution played a pivotal role in the resounding success of our event.'"

Doctor Nisha Sharma GBN Faridabad
Dr. Nisha Sharma

Principal, GBN School


"An excerpt from a Letter of Recommendation provided by Mrs. Shalini Bahuguna:

'I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for featuring the National Youth Parliament Competition 2024 on your prestigious online platform. Your support made a significant positive impact, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with you.'"

Doctor Shalini Bahuguna Jigyasa University
Dr. Shalini Bahuguna

Dean, Jigyasa University


"I wholeheartedly recommend Dublieu to every batch of students I teach."

Doctor Pooja Raizada Lady Irwin College
Dr. Pooja Raizada

Professor, Delhi University


"Dublieu has been very beneficial for my son."

Doctor Shashank Kumar Vedant Medical Center
Dr. Shashank Kumar

Parent, Delhi

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about Dublieu.

What is Dublieu?

Dublieu helps Students discover Extracurricular Opportunities such as Competitions, MUNs, Internships, Fellowships, Quizzes, Hackathons, and so much more for free!

What is Dublieu's Mission?

Dublieu is on the mission to democratize access to Extracurricular Opportunities for Students such as Competitions, MUNs, Internships, and much more!

How big is Dublieu?

Dublieu is India's Biggest Platform to discover Extracurricular Opportunities!

Who was Dublieu founded by?

Dublieu was founded by Vedant Kumar during his 11th grade—a testament to his vision and entrepreneurial spirit!

How does Dublieu support students?

Dublieu supports students by providing them with a platform to explore and access diverse extracurricular opportunities, helping them build skills, network, and grow their resumes—all for free!

Why should students use Dublieu?

Students should use Dublieu to effortlessly discover competitions, MUNs, internships, and more. It’s a one-stop solution for finding opportunities that align with their interests and goals.

Is Dublieu free to use?

Yes! Dublieu is completely free for students, making it accessible to everyone looking for extracurricular opportunities.

Am I eligible to use Dublieu?

Students from middle school to college can benefit from Dublieu, especially those looking to enhance their skills, gain exposure, and connect with new opportunities.

Does Dublieu provide Internships for School Students

Yes, Dublieu provides Internships for School Students, and even for College Students!

What is a MUN?

A MUN, or Model United Nations, is a simulation of the United Nations where students act as delegates, representing countries or organizations. Participants engage in discussions, debates, and negotiations on global issues, enhancing their diplomacy, public speaking, and problem-solving skills.

How does Dublieu benefit educators and schools?

Dublieu provides educators and schools with a platform to connect their students with diverse opportunities, enhancing overall student engagement and achievement.

Is Dublieu safe for my students to use?

Absolutely! Dublieu ensures a safe and secure environment, curating verified and high-quality opportunities for students to explore.

Why should schools partner with Dublieu?

Partnering with Dublieu allows schools to offer their students access to a vast array of extracurricular activities, enhancing their academic and professional journeys.

Does Dublieu collaborate with events?

Yes, Dublieu collaborates with Events for Students, be it Competitions, MUNs, Hackathons, and much more!

FAQs didn't answer your question? Ask us here!

We're here to help! Whether you need assistance, have inquiries about our services, or want to explore collaboration opportunities, don’t hesitate to reach out.

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Ready to discover Extracurricular Opportunities for free?

Discover your dream opportunities today—Competitions, MUNs, Fellowships, Internships, we have it all!

Get Started