The Air Force School MUN 2023 TAFS MUN 2023

The Air Force School MUN 2023 (TAFS MUN 2023)

Venue: The Air Force School, Delhi

Date: 20th, 21st & 22nd December, 2023

Organizer: The Air Force School MUN (TAFS MUN)

Learn more about The Air Force School MUN 2023 (TAFS MUN 2023)!

'You cannot make a revolution in white gloves!'

The Air Force School brings to you TAFS MUN '23. Generation Z is symbolic of change, so we give you this platform to debate, question the conditions of the world and rise to the occasion.

We bring to you the 11th edition of TAFS MUN. 


Committees and Agendas
UNHRC- Deviation from refugees needs due to the rising importance towards materialistic development.

IMF- Debt dynamic and trade wars: a growing burden on global prosperity.

AIPPM- Deliberating  the multi faceted impact of censorship with reference to the Manipur conflict.

G-20 - 'One Earth, One Family, One future' A debate on growth vs development: collision or consolidation. 

CCC- Classified 

C-24 - The effects on cultural authenticity with emphasis on the colonial hangover.



Kindly contact-

Co-Secretary General- Eesha Sabnis (9561133858)

Co-Secretary General- Anahita Johar (9560776433)

USG-External Affairs- Stuti Pani (9910996603)

USG-Internal Affairs- Aamvi Upadhyay (9810806652)